

Thursday 19th June 2025
Location: Rijksmuseum Boerhaave

13:00 Registration at the Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
13:30 Coffee / Tea in the Foyer (with partners)
14:00 Plenary session 1
15:30 Plenary session 2
15:30 History of Leiden University by Dr Pieter Slaman (2024 Teacher of the Year, Leiden University)
16:00 Streiff Medal lecture by Professor A. Sommer
16:30 Arrival of partners
17:00 Welcome by the managing director of the museum, Mr. Amito Haarhuis
17:15 – 18:30 Guided tour through the museum in groups, visiting the Theater Anatomicum (with partners)
18:30 – 21:00 Welcome reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres (walking dinner) in the museum grounds (with partners)

Friday 20th June 2025
Locaton: Academy Building, Telders Auditorium

08:45 Arrival participants
09:00 Business Meeting AOI
10:30 Coffee/Tea break
11:00 Inaugurations, part 1
12:30 Lunch in Reception Room (with partners)
14:00 Plenary session 3
15:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:00 Plenary session 4
17:00 Guided walking tour to Apothekersdijk, departure of the boats (with partners)
17:30 – 18:30 Boat tour through the canals of Leiden incl. drinks (with partners)
18:30 Arrival by boat at Hortus Botanicus (with partners)
18:30 – 19:00 Drinks in the garden of the Hortus (with partners)
19:00 – 21:30 Buffet/Dinner in the garden of the Hortus and Orangerie (with partners)
22:00 End of the evening

Saturday 21st June 2025
Location: Academy Building, Telders Auditorium

08:45 Arrival participants
09:00 Inaugurations, part 2
10:30 Coffee/Tea break
11:00 Plenary session 5
12:30 Lunch in Reception Room (with partners)
13:30 Plenary session 6
14:30 AOI oration by the Rector Magnificus of Leiden University
15:00 End of Sessions/ closing ceremony
15:15 Guided walking tour through the historical city of Leiden (starting from the Academy Building)
16:30 End of walking tour
18:30 Drinks at “Rijksmuseum van Oudheden“ / the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities
19:15 Gala Anniversary Dinner
Dress code: men coat & tie; women festive
22:00 End of the evening